Designing Conversational Agents for Voice User Interfaces | Penn State | Fall 2022

In this introductory module, students learn the fundamentals of designing a conversational agent for voice user interfaces, focusing on how conversational agents work, the conversational design process and guidelines, hands-on prototyping exercises using Voiceflow, and evaluating the agent.


Class 1

  1. Introduction to conversational agents
  2. Conversational Design Process and guidelines
  3. Prototype a conversational agent
  4. Evaluating a speech interface design

Class 2

  1. Design, prototype, and evaluate a conversational agent to support cognitive restructuring



Following the design process discussed in the class, prototype a conversational agent for cognitive restructuring CBT (example below) and evaluate it using SASSI scale.

AgentHow are you feeling right now.
AgentTell me about the situation that made you feel so.
AgentWhat goes through your mind when you think of that situation?
AgentIs there an evidence that supports this thought?
AgentIs there an evidence that doesn’t supports this thought?
AgentConsidering the evidence you provided for and against the thought you have, can you come up with an alternative thought that is more positive and share that with me?
AgentWith the alternative thought, how do you feel now?


  1. Come up with at least 3 alternatives for each user utterance and agent’s prompts
  2. Develop a conversation flow diagram with situations where users are likely to say something off-script and come up with ways to redirect the conversation to the original script
  3. Create a prototype using voiceflow
  4. Let another group members evaluate the agent using the SASSI scale